Bink (temporary)

Difficulty: Low

Who are you?

In order to check your answer you’ll need to identify yourself by clicking a link we email to you.

This will also get you on the score board with a name of your choice.

We don’t record your email, and we don’t give it to anyone else.

The solution to this puzzle is six higlighted squares wherein each letter (A through F) is highlighted once, each color has only one highlight, each row has only one highlight, and each column has only one highlight.

I wanted to toy around with a clickable grid, and I made this, but this is essentially a sudoku puzzle. I’m leaving it here because of web-development reasons. I like the CSS solutions here because there is only one media query, but I think everything scales well as you resize the window.

This puzzle will go away at some point, so solve it now to have a point advantage over future players!

I have not thoroughly checked this puzzle for a unique answer. If you find a solution that is not accepted, take a screen shot and then contact me.

Show Only Hint
Select the blue C.